Friday, May 20, 2011

My Final Post

I approach tonight's blog with a heavy heart.  A heart full of feelings, hope, and mostly blood.  I have reached the end of the blog highway.  I have enjoyed creating these blogs and having 10 real solid readers.  Those 10 people have made this blog into what it is today: a tiny blip on the internet blip-o-meter.

It's not that I don't want to continue.  I have the desire and Arnold Schwarzenegger is giving me plenty of material.  The problem is the world is ending.  Tomorrow.  I think it shows how much this blog truly means to me if it is what I have chosen to do on my last day alive.

Looking back on my life I regret a few things.  Not accepting my dream job and instead choosing a life of honest work at a Target is one regret.  Another is not marrying my supermodel girlfriend when she proposed to me.  Overall, I think my biggest regret is my rudeness towards strangers.  I could have been much more rude.

I am proud of some things I accomplished in my lifetime.  My dedication to physical fitness in others.  My never-ending loyalty to quilts.  My attitude towards Klondike Bars.  Most importantly, I am proud to have tried everything on the McDonald's menu.

So long and thanks for all the fish.

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