Friday, July 15, 2011


Compromise: a settlement of differences by mutual concessions.

Thank you, Ron Paul.  Thank you for showing us not only what makes a good republican, but also a good leader.  Leaders are a special breed.  They are exceptional, infallible, and unwavering.  They stand strong on their convictions and ideologies.  It's their way or the highway.

Leadership is about knowing all the answers and ignoring the opposition.  Compromise is another word for pussy.  Obviously, Ron's team is into summer blockbusters as much as me and he shows just how awful it would be to compromise.  How do I know it would be awful?  Because the music is scary and it is typed on a crinkled piece of paper in caps.  If compromise was good surely it would be written in lower case on a nice piece of stationary with soft piano.

The whole idea of compromise is lame.  Why should we make "mutual concessions"?  This just sounds like both parties lose.  Instead let's have one party completely happy or both parties depressed.  Who cares that the decisions that are made actually have an effect on people's lives and futures.  It's more important to make a statement.  That's leadership.

We don't have elections so people can work together and get things done.  That would be stupid.  We have elections so folks can get together and passive-aggressively slow down progress.  You can't run a winning election campaign on an idea that together we can do something great.  "Yes We Can" would be a stupid slogan.  However "Standing on Principles and Pleasing the Base to Get Reelected" would look real good on a bumper sticker.

Here is an example of a true American, who stands by his principles.

God Bless America.

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