Wednesday, October 6, 2010

Worst Cartoonist in the History of Pens

I was going to make an elaborate blog today about how my dream job was to become a political cartoonist.  I spent a lot of time drawing up some political cartoons when suddenly it struck me that a) I didn't ever want to be a political cartoonist, b) the cartoons weren't funny, and c) I can't draw at all.  This seems like a stupid thing for a person with my skills and interests to want to blog about.

But because I spent all the time trying and failing to be a cartoonist, I have uploaded a couple cartoons.  Please note that these are the best that I did, which should tell you that the worst are truly terrible.  I will be setting them on fire soon.

This is supposed to be Obama
This is supposed to be funny.
I'm pathetic.

1 comment:

  1. Seriously, Joe, these are good. I think you should try releasing them as web-comics. My personal favorites are Saturday Morning Breakfast Cereal and XKCD. Neither of the artists are good, but it's generally really funny.
