Monday, September 13, 2010


It is time for a update on my puppy, Stella.  We got little Stella Barlow early in the summer and she quickly became my unpaid internship in dog training and adorability.  She taught me a lot about myself.  She taught me patience and  alerted me of my willingness to clean up warm feces.  She can be a lot to handle at times but ultimately she is a pretty puppy and a good addition to the family.  Below are some photos that will surely make you go awwwww (unless you have no soul).

Present Day

Stella Earlier Today

1 comment:

  1. Your inability to find a job after graduating from such a prestigious institution combined with your hilariousity (I went to high school with you but you're a few years older and I doubt you remember me) makes me feel better about going to Arizona State.

    Also about being completely fucking screwed myself.

    Also, cute puppy is cute.
