Friday, September 17, 2010

Tweeting Celebrities

The title of this post may sound inappropriate to some loyal readers, but I assure you it's all in good fun.  Back in 2007, I did a little experiment.  Via facebook I poked Obama, Hillary, Giuliani, Edwards, Biden, Mitt Romney, and McCain.  I said that whoever poked me back first would be the person that I would vote for.  I only received one poke.

Unfortunately I have no idea what happened to Mr. Edwards.  Now that I have nothing better to do I decided to slightly change this old idea.  I decided to tweet different celebrities and see if they would respond.  I decided to pick one standard message and tweet all of the celebrities the same thing.  I figured that I would just keep it simple.  My message that I decided on is as follows:

i lost my remote control :( 

I must admit that this is not a true tweet.  I know exactly where my remote control is.  I usually don't let it out of my sight.  You should know I debated long and hard as to whether I should insert the unhappy face, but in the end I felt that it gave the message some appropriate emotion.

Now I will tell you the celebrities in the order that I think they will respond in.

1.  @ebertchicago (Roger Ebert) I think that Roger Ebert is a man of the people.  He cares about normal people's lives.  Roger Ebert knows better than anybody how important it is to have your remote nearby.  He's turned off so many movies, I've heard that he goes through 5 remotes per month.
2. @galifianakisz (Zach Galifianakis) Zach was a tough choice for number 2 but I figure he probably would have some kind of quick witty response.  He also probably remembers me from when I saw him live in Madison. (Jealous?)

3.  @kanyewest (Kanye West) Kanye is known for inserting himself into other people's business.  I have no doubts that he will respond.

4.  @ShawneyJ (Shawn Johnson) Shawn Johnson is an Olympian and an Iowan.  I lived in Iowa and I ran track in 6th grade.  We share a bond.

5.  @SenJohnMcCain (John McCain) John McCain probably loses shit like this all the time.

6.  @Oprah (Oprah Winfrey)  She probably has better stuff to do than respond, but imagine if she did.  Maybe I would get a car.

I will keep you updated as I receive the tweets.

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