Thursday, October 21, 2010

Goal Setting: A Key to Any Unemployed Fellow

I'm the kind of guy that likes to set goals.  Through my rigorous goal setting, I push myself to be a better human and inspire children with my greatness.  Today is an example of another triumph for Joe Barlow and goals.

I have accomplished 2 goals this week, both long term and quite challenging.  The first goal was a goal that I just finished today.  It began back in 2003.  I was a sophomore in high school and a newbie to goal setting.  I had tried and failed at many goals including getting washboard abs and becoming a performer at Sea World (not a trainer, an actual seal.)  I was down from my failures but not out, as I settled on a different goal.  

Some of my friends talked about a show that I had occasionally seen reruns of on the tv.  From what I saw the show appeared to be funny, but I wanted to see it from the beginning and learn the characters and classic story lines.  The show was Seinfeld and here I am approximately 7 years after I set out to see every episode, with a big pile of success in my pants.

This may not seem significant, but in reality it is a marvelous feat.  First, we must remember that Seinfeld ran for 9 seasons and 180 episodes.  The episodes were all 22 minutes for a total of 3960 minutes.  I checked out the DVDs from the library, so there was a waiting period and I was at school for 8 months for four of the years.  So I crammed in 9 years worth of a television show into about 4 years.  Does this make me cool or pathetic?  All I know is it makes me an achiever of goals.

The other goal involves beer.  I started my final year of college suddenly being able to purchase and consume alcohol.  I walked into the formerly forbidden freezer and became overwhelmed with the selection and prices of the various beers.  There were light 24 packs and dark 30 packs.  There were silver bullets and hipster's delights.  As I scanned the freezer my eyes were drawn to the golden beacon provided by the Miller High Life box.  The can proudly proclaimed that this was the "Champagne of Beers.  Because I was classy, I decided to go with the beer that royalty definitely consumed.  Already satisfied with a wonderful product, I became overjoyed when I discovered that my loyalty to this product would yield rewards beyond my wildest dreams.  It was at that point that I set a new goal: to get enough High Life points to get the most beautiful sweatshirt I had ever set my eyes upon.
People laughed and said it couldn't be done.  The sweatshirt required 5300 points.  A thirty pack of cans was worth 300 points and a twelve pack of bottles was worth 120 points.  Over the past year I (or a friend that gave me his code) entered the codes of 15 thirty packs and 5 twelve packs.  This means that the total cost of the sweatshirt is about $270.  Is this a poor investment or another victory for goals?  I'll let you decide.

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